How To Get A Hunting License For Colorado This Year

You can hunt Colorado this year! There are a few steps to be sure and follow to get a hunting license for 2025.

Get Your Hunter Safety Cerification

The first thing to do for all aspiring hunters is to take and pass a hunter saftey certification program. There are many programs that you can take; some in-person and others online. Regardless of which option you choose, it is not possible to get a Colorado deer, elk or other hunting license without getting your hunter safety certification, first.

Read The Big Game Brochure

After sucseffully completing your hunter safety cerification, the next step is to get familiar with the rules and regulations for hunting in Colorado. Every year, the state of Colorado publishes several publications regarding hunting and fishing in the state. In particular the publication that contains all the information about hunting in Colorado is reffered to as the Colorado Big Game Brochure.

This publication has everything you need to know about deer, elk, pronghorn, and bear hunting in Colorado. It should be kept in high regard and referenced frequently when learning what is, and is not legal.

Apply For Your Hunting License

This part is time sensitive! Pay attention, set a reminder and tell your friends. If you miss the deadline to submit an application into the draw, you may have limited opportunities to hunt in Colorado for this year or worse, not be able to hunt at all.

For 2025, application submissions open on March 1st and close on April 1st. You need to do your research in this time to find out which hunt or hunts you might like to go on. This is where Huntcodez comes in handy. Some hunts are more accessible than others based on popularity, State goals and species populations.

Depending on the license you are applying for, you could have a 100% chance of getting it, some chance or drawing or a bonified 0% chance of acquirnig that license, also reffered to as a hunting tag. Knowning this information before submitting you application can give you the best chance at having the best hunt possible.

Pay Fees & Wait For Results

After submitting your application, the state of Colorado takes into account all the applications that have been submitted and comences the draw process. Be patient! Results of the draw are published in May. At this time you will then know if you were successful in drawing your hunting license or if you did not draw.

If you did not draw your license, Colorado awards a preference point to your account. If you are successful in the draw, your physical hunting tag will either be mailed to you in the coming weeks. At this point, you will know that you either need to look for 'Plan B' options or beginning your hunt planning.

In Colorado you pay for the hunting license if you are successful in the draw. Be sure to have your payment options working and in order!